Customized Legal Help: Divorce with Children

The following table summarizes the general steps a divorce with children will take. The right column lists the services available for that steps. To view a complete list of pricing, click here.


Options for Legal Help*

1. File for Divorce

Drafting of Petition – $250
Review of drafted Petition – $150

2. Complete personal service, if not filing jointly

Legal Coaching – $250

3. Review received documents from the Court

Legal Coaching – $250

4. File proof of service, if not filing jointly


Legal Coaching – $250

5. Complete mandatory financial disclosures

Drafting of SFS – $350
Review of SFS – $150
Legal Coaching – $250

6. Attend the Initial Status Conference

Help preparing for ISC – $150

7. Complete required Co-Parenting Class

8. Participate in mediation

Help preparing for mediation – $450

Representation at mediation (half day) includes drafting of separation agreement and parenting plan – $2350

Representation at mediation (full day) includes drafting of separation agreement and parenting plan  – $2950

9. Prepare agreement documents, if applicable

Drafting separation agreement – $550
Drafting parenting plan – $550
Drafting of both agreements – $900
Review of existing draft of either agreement – $350

10. Prepare for Permanent Orders Hearing

Help preparing for hearing – $550

11. Permanent Orders Hearing

Representation at hearing (up to half-day) – $3350
Representation at hearing (full day) – $7500

*Every service not required for each step

This page is not inclusive of everything you need to know or do to get divorced. It simply illustrates the process generally. This page is for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. This informational material is not intended and should not be taken as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. Receipt of this page in no way creates an attorney-client relationship. You should contact a lawyer for advice on your specific legal issues.