In the News

2023 Brown Award Finalist

Lester Law was named a finalist for the 2023 Brown Award for Legal Access from the American Bar Association.

One of Dever's Best Custody Lawyers

Lauren was recognized as one of the best custody lawyers in Denver in 2023.

Featured on Law Subscrribed

Lauren was interviewed about her client-centric practice and redefining success in the legal profession.

One of Arvada's Best Divorce Lawyers

Lauren was recognized as one of the best divorce lawyers in Arvada in 2022.

Legal Entrepreneur

Lauren was featured on The Law Entrepreneur podcast to discuss her modern approach to providing affordable legal services to her community.

Notable Women in Law 2021

Lauren is recognized by her peers as someone who sets legal precedents, winning cases for their clients, and mentoring the next wave of women in law – all while finding ways to give back to their communities.

Finding Purpose in the Law

Lauren is featured for co-founding a first-of-its-kind workshop that helps legal professionals define success for themselves.

Unbundled law firms find success offering virtual legal services

Lauren is featured as a lawyer offering unbundling services to better serve clients.

With technology, law firm subscription plans can produce steady income and better serve clients

Lauren is featured for co-presenting at ABA’s TECHShow about subscription models and how they can help lawyers better serve clients.

The Modern Lawyer Movement

Lauren co-authors an article about how a growing number of Colorado lawyers are changing the practice of law.

New Rule Lends Guidance on Flat Fees

Lauren discusses a revision to the Colorado ethics rules that define how flat fees are earned and the communication required when using them.

Four Myths of Modern Law

Lauren is interviewed about the rise of modern law, a model that allows clients to choose what particular components of their cases they want representation for and pay fixed fees.

Killing the Billable Hour

Lauren participates on a panel for CAMP to discuss how the billable hour negatively affects lawyer wellbeing – and isn’t good for clients either.

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