Affordable Legal Help

You might expect an attorney to cost $25,000 or more…

And depending on the attorney you choose, it very easily could. When you work with a lawyer incentivized to prolong the process rather than work efficiently toward a resolution, you might feel like you’re signing a blank check with no end in sight. At Lester Law, we do things differently. When you work with us, we help you protect your peace at an affordable flat-fee cost.

Protect your Assets

Creation of agreement
Negotiate terms
Average Timeline* *While we work to get your matter completed as quickly as possible, there are factors outside of our control that may extend the timeline.
Mobile notary service
Answer questions
Provide guidance
Email support
Phone calls
Response time
Peace of mind
Reduced risk
Exceptional service
Represent both parties (optional)
Negotiate on your behalf (optional)
Review It total cost $ 950 Start
Creation of agreement
we review an existing one
on your own
Negotiate terms
on your own
Average Timeline* *While we work to get your matter completed as quickly as possible, there are factors outside of our control that may extend the timeline.
2-3 weeks
Mobile notary service
Answer questions
Provide guidance
Email support
as needed
Phone calls
Response time
next business day
Peace of mind
Reduced risk
Exceptional service
Represent both parties (optional)
Negotiate on your behalf (optional)
Draft It total cost $ 2150 Start
Creation of agreement
we draft it from scratch
we make them
Negotiate terms
through us
Average Timeline* *While we work to get your matter completed as quickly as possible, there are factors outside of our control that may extend the timeline.
4-6 weeks
Mobile notary service
Answer questions
Provide guidance
Email support
as needed
Phone calls
as needed
Response time
next business day
Peace of mind
Reduced risk
Exceptional service
Represent both parties (optional)
Negotiate on your behalf (optional)

Provide for your Family

Comprehensive plan
Personalized portfolio
Plans for minor children
Includes a trust
Notary service
Answer questions
Provide guidance
Reduced risk
Exceptional service
Peace of mind
Average Timeline* While we work to get your estate plan completed as quickly as possible, there are factors outside of our control that may extend the timeline.
Create a plan for spouse too
Essential total cost $ 1800 Start
Comprehensive plan
Personalized portfolio
Plans for minor children
Includes a trust
Notary service
Answer questions
Provide guidance
Reduced risk
Exceptional service
Peace of mind
Average Timeline* While we work to get your estate plan completed as quickly as possible, there are factors outside of our control that may extend the timeline.
4-6 weeks
Create a plan for spouse too
+ $950
Advanced total cost $ 2850 Start
Comprehensive plan
Personalized portfolio
Plans for minor children
Includes a trust
Notary service
Answer questions
Provide guidance
Reduced risk
Exceptional service
Peace of mind
Average Timeline* While we work to get your estate plan completed as quickly as possible, there are factors outside of our control that may extend the timeline.
5-7 weeks
Create a plan for spouse too
+ $1250

Resolve your Tax Debt

Case Analysis
Transcript Analysis

We pull and review your individual or business tax return transcripts from the IRS. Together, we’ll walk through your total tax debt, the missing returns, collection activity, and when the debt will expire so you can better understand your situation. We’ll provide general options about how you might resolve your debt and address the enforcement actions the IRS may be taking against you.

Collection Analysis

We review your financial records, income, expenses, and assets to determine the most appropriate IRS collection resolution option for you to get rid of your tax debt. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of your entire financial situation, including income sources, monthly living expenses, equity in assets, liquidity, and overall ability to pay. Based on this in-depth assessment, we identify and recommend the collection alternative that best fits your circumstances and would maximize the relief from the outstanding tax debt. Should you retain our services for the collection resolution, the fee for the analysis will be credited toward the new engagement.



Options to Resolve Your Tax Debt
Streamlined Installment Agreement

A streamlined installment agreement is a payment plan that allows qualifying individual taxpayers to set up a direct debit installment agreement with limited or no additional financial information required, as long as the total tax debt does not exceed certain threshold limits. We assist taxpayers in obtaining a streamlined installment agreement by reviewing their eligibility based on the IRS guidelines, preparing the necessary application forms and documentation, calculating the appropriate installment payment amount that fits within the program’s parameters, and facilitating the setup of the automatic direct debit payments from the taxpayer’s bank account to ensure proper compliance with the terms of the streamlined agreement.

Installment Agreement

An installment agreement with the IRS allows you to pay your outstanding tax debt over time through a series of scheduled periodic payments rather than paying the full balance immediately. We help taxpayers secure an installment agreement by thoroughly evaluating their financial situation, preparing the required documentation and forms, calculating an appropriate installment amount based on their ability to pay, and representing them in negotiations with the IRS to obtain the most favorable terms.

Partial Payment Installment Agreement

If you cannot fully pay your tax debt, you may be eligible to establish a partial pay installment agreement with the IRS, allowing you to make monthly payments for a specific term, after which the remaining unpaid balance is considered satisfied. We assist taxpayers in negotiating and structuring a favorable partial pay installment agreement by analyzing their financial situation, preparing the necessary documentation, and representing them before the IRS to demonstrate qualification.

Offer in Compromise

An Offer in Compromise (OIC) with the IRS is an agreement that allows a taxpayer to settle their outstanding tax debt for less than the total amount owed. To obtain an OIC, the taxpayer must demonstrate a legitimate inability to pay the entire liability based on their income, expenses, and asset equity. We assist a taxpayer in securing an OIC by thoroughly evaluating their financial situation to determine eligibility, calculating an appropriate offer amount, gathering supporting documentation, preparing and submitting the formal OIC application, and representing the taxpayer through negotiations with the IRS to substantiate the grounds for accepting a reduced payment to satisfy the tax debt. Our expertise increases the chances of IRS approval by ensuring the OIC meets all legal requirements and accurately reflects the taxpayer’s inability to pay in full.

Appeal of Rejected Offer in Compromise

An appeal of an Offer in Compromise (OIC) is a formal request to have a higher authority review and reconsider a rejected or terminated OIC. When the IRS denies or terminates an OIC, taxpayers have the right to appeal the decision. We help taxpayers have a successful appeal by thoroughly evaluating the grounds for the IRS’s initial determination, identifying any errors or additional factors that support an approved compromise, gathering further evidence and documentation to strengthen the case, preparing a comprehensive written appeal protest with legal arguments and analysis, and representing the taxpayer at any appeals conferences or hearings to advocate for acceptance of the OIC on appropriate terms effectively. Our expertise enhances the likelihood of a favorable outcome on appeal.

Innocent Spouse Relief

Innocent spouse relief allows a spouse to be relieved of responsibility for paying tax, interest, and penalties if their filing spouse improperly reported items or omitted income on a jointly filed tax return. We help spouses and former spouses request innocent spouse relief by evaluating their eligibility based on IRS criteria, gathering evidence and documentation to support the innocent spouse relief, preparing and filing the appropriate IRS forms with a detailed legal explanation supporting relief, and representing the spouse through audits, appeals, and potential litigation to advocate for approval of innocent spouse status based on the facts and circumstances of the case.



When a Loved One Dies or Gets Sick

If you're thinking...
Answer your questions
Provide guidance
Email support
Phone calls
Response time
Help with documents
Filing in court
Communicate with others Includes interested parties, creditors, and third-party businesses
Transferring assets and paying debts
Closing the estate
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Credit for 3rd Party Costs During the process, you'll incur 3rd party costs such as certified copies, postage, filing fees, and other administrative costs. Credits are used to pay those costs on your behalf.
Add'l cost for formal probate Formal Probate is more hands-on and the probate court pays closer attention to the case.
Payment Plan (optional)
Gold one-time cost $ 2750 Start
If you're thinking...
I need someone to guide me through the process and review my court forms.
Answer your questions
Provide guidance
Email support
as needed
Phone calls
as needed
Response time
next business day
Help with documents
we review them
Filing in court
we explain how
Communicate with others Includes interested parties, creditors, and third-party businesses
on your own
Transferring assets and paying debts
we explain how
Closing the estate
we explain how
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Credit for 3rd Party Costs During the process, you'll incur 3rd party costs such as certified copies, postage, filing fees, and other administrative costs. Credits are used to pay those costs on your behalf.
Add'l cost for formal probate Formal Probate is more hands-on and the probate court pays closer attention to the case.
Payment Plan (optional)
$825/month x 4 months
Platinum one-time cost $ 5425 Start
If you're thinking...
I don't want to deal with the process. I want someone to handle it for me.
Answer your questions
Provide guidance
Email support
as needed
Phone calls
as needed
Response time
next business day
Help with documents
we draft them
Filing in court
we take care of it
Communicate with others Includes interested parties, creditors, and third-party businesses
we take care of it
Transferring assets and paying debts
we guide you
Closing the estate
we take care of it
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Credit for 3rd Party Costs During the process, you'll incur 3rd party costs such as certified copies, postage, filing fees, and other administrative costs. Credits are used to pay those costs on your behalf.
Add'l cost for formal probate Formal Probate is more hands-on and the probate court pays closer attention to the case.
Payment Plan (optional)
$1500/month x 4 months
If you're thinking...
Answer your questions
Provide guidance
Email support
Phone calls
Response time
Help with court forms
Filing in court
Communicate with others
Court appearances
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Credit for 3rd Party Costs During the process, you'll incur 3rd party costs such as certified copies, postage, filing fees, and other administrative costs. Credits are used to pay those costs on your behalf.
Payment Plan (optional)
Gold one-time cost $ 1895 Start
If you're thinking...
I need someone to guide me through the process and review my court forms.
Answer your questions
Provide guidance
Email support
as needed
Phone calls
as needed
Response time
next business day
Help with court forms
we review them
Filing in court
we explain how
Communicate with others
on your own
Court appearances
we prep you
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Credit for 3rd Party Costs During the process, you'll incur 3rd party costs such as certified copies, postage, filing fees, and other administrative costs. Credits are used to pay those costs on your behalf.
Payment Plan (optional)
$725/month x 3 months
Platinum one-time cost $ 3725 Start
If you're thinking...
I want someone to handle everything for me.
Answer your questions
Provide guidance
Email support
as needed
Phone calls
as needed
Response time
next business day
Help with court forms
we draft them
Filing in court
we take care of it
Communicate with others
we take care of it
Court appearances
we go with you
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Credit for 3rd Party Costs During the process, you'll incur 3rd party costs such as certified copies, postage, filing fees, and other administrative costs. Credits are used to pay those costs on your behalf.
Payment Plan (optional)
$1400/month x 3 months

Uncontested Divorce & Custody

The average cost of a contested divorce or custody case in Colorado is between $15,000 – $25,000. When you work with a lawyer who focuses on the time they spend rather than on completing your case efficiently, you might feel like your lawyer isn’t listening to you and making the case more litigious and complicated so they can make more money.

Don’t want to feel like you’re signing a blank check with no end in sight? Still in a good place with the other party and ready to work towards a collaborative agreement? Don’t want to waste money just to break up? When you work with me on your uncontested case, you’ll stay out of court, save thousands of dollars, and protect your peace. 

For Uncontested Cases
LawGuides membership Everything you need to finish your case with our comprehensive step-by-step guide.
Help you stay out of court
Personalized advice
Answer questions
Email support
Phone calls
Response time
Help with documents
Filing documents
Going to court *Depending on your case, you may not need to go to court at all if the case is uncontested.
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Payment Plan (optional)
Add-On (optional)
DIY one-time cost $ 99 Buy Now
--- YOU DO IT ---
For Uncontested Cases
LawGuides membership Everything you need to finish your case with our comprehensive step-by-step guide.
Help you stay out of court
Personalized advice
Answer questions
Email support
Phone calls
Response time
Help with documents
Filing documents
on your own
on your own
Going to court *Depending on your case, you may not need to go to court at all if the case is uncontested.
on your own*
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Payment Plan (optional)
Add-On (optional)
Attorney Coaching for $375/mo
Plus one-time cost $ 2375 Start
--- I REVIEW IT ---
For Uncontested Cases
LawGuides membership Everything you need to finish your case with our comprehensive step-by-step guide.
Help you stay out of court
Personalized advice
Answer questions
Email support
as needed
Phone calls
as needed
Response time
next business day
Help with documents
I review them
Filing documents
I explain how
on your own
Going to court *Depending on your case, you may not need to go to court at all if the case is uncontested.
on your own*
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Payment Plan (optional)
$900/month x 3 months
Add-On (optional)
File Documents for $595
Premium one-time cost $ 3495 Start
--- I DRAFT IT ---
For Uncontested Cases
LawGuides membership Everything you need to finish your case with our comprehensive step-by-step guide.
Help you stay out of court
Personalized advice
Answer questions
Email support
as needed
Phone calls
as needed
Response time
next business day
Help with documents
I draft them
Filing documents
I explain how
on your own
Going to court *Depending on your case, you may not need to go to court at all if the case is uncontested.
on your own*
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Payment Plan (optional)
$1300/month x 3 months
Add-On (optional)
File Documents for $595

Don’t want to hire lawyers because they make the process more complicated and contentious? We don’t blame you. With our Separate Together Mediation, you get the benefit of a lawyer’s knowledge and experience without going to war with the other party. Here, neither party has a lawyer. Instead, you are both guided through the process by our experienced family law attorney-mediator with civility and confidence. In the end, you’ll have everything you need to complete your case. All you have to do is wait for the court to finalize the paperwork, and you’re done.

Collaborative approach
Parties complete process together
Work towards a fair agreement
Minimize conflict
Stay out of court
Keep control of the outcome
Step-by-step instructions
Mediation sessions
Drafting agreements
Drafting other required documents
Final review We review everything to help ensure your case will be accepted by the court and fast tracked to be quickly finalized
Filing documents
Response time
Average Timeline* *While we work to complete our process as quickly as possible, there are factors outside of our control that may extend the timeline.
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Payment Plan (optional)
Essential one-time cost $ 2499 Start
Collaborative approach
Parties complete process together
Work towards a fair agreement
Minimize conflict
Stay out of court
Keep control of the outcome
Step-by-step instructions
Mediation sessions
Drafting agreements
Drafting other required documents
Final review We review everything to help ensure your case will be accepted by the court and fast tracked to be quickly finalized
Filing documents
I explain how
Response time
next business day
Average Timeline* *While we work to complete our process as quickly as possible, there are factors outside of our control that may extend the timeline.
5-7 weeks
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Payment Plan (optional)
$900/month x 3 months
Premier one-time cost $ 4199 Start
Collaborative approach
Parties complete process together
Work towards a fair agreement
Minimize conflict
Stay out of court
Keep control of the outcome
Step-by-step instructions
Mediation sessions
Drafting agreements
Drafting other required documents
Final review We review everything to help ensure your case will be accepted by the court and fast tracked to be quickly finalized
Filing documents
I explain how
Response time
next business day
Average Timeline* *While we work to complete our process as quickly as possible, there are factors outside of our control that may extend the timeline.
6-8 weeks
Exceptional service
Reduced risk
Peace of mind
Payment Plan (optional)
$1550/month x 3 months

All the Instructions to Do It Yourself

Your comprehensive guide through the Colorado divorce process

If you have concerns about paying for legal services, please contact us. We will work with you to find a solution because we don’t believe people should forgo help because of money.

Brighten your Inbox

Twice a month, we'll send curated materials handpicked to help you thrive after family transition.