Blog : Planning

Marital Agreements

Marital Agreements

Marital Agreements

A marital agreement (often called a prenup or postnup) is simply a contract between two people who are married or about to be. It addresses upfront property and financial issues that may arise upon the dissolution of the marriage.

Although given a bad rap and seen as something only for the wealthy, marital agreements can be a useful tool for any engaged couple wanting to agree beforehand how certain property or money will be distributed should the marriage dissolve. Although not always easy to discuss, talking about these issues before solemnizing the marriage may save a lot of headache down the road.

Colorado does have specific requirements for a marital agreement to be enforceable. If you are interested in learning more about a marital agreement in Colorado, click the button below to schedule your free consultation today.

Want to learn more about creating a marital agreement in Colorado?  Visit the FAQs

Wills and Trusts

Wills and Trusts

Wills & Trusts

A will or trust is simply a document that provides your instructions for what should happen to your property and money when you die. What’s important to understand is that wills and trusts are not just for the wealthy or the elderly. If you want to control where your stuff goes, you should have a will, no matter the size of your estate or your age.

If you have minor children, a will can also specify who should become the children’s guardian, and a trust will set up financial support for your children. Your will can also indicate who should look after your pets.

Although it’s not pleasant to think about death, creating a will or trust helps ensure your wishes are followed. They can also help alleviate some of the stress family members may feel while still breaving. Creating a will or trust is often less difficult than you would imagine and doing so will give you and your loved ones much-needed peace of mind.

If you are interested in learning more about a will or trust in Denver, click the button below to schedule your free consultation today.

low cost will in denver

What to learn more about creating a will in Denver?  Visit the FAQs