While you can get divorced in Colorado without an attorney, it’s generally not recommended. Attorneys help ensure your rights are being protected throughout the process. Attorneys can be expensive, though, and many require a large retainer and charge by the hour. So while you may think you can’t afford an attorney, think again. There are affordable options to get legal help from an attorney.
Below is a list of tasks completed by most divorces with children in Colorado. Keep in mind this list is not exhaustive, but instead provides a general guideline.
Attorneys who provide affordable solutions for divorces often offer unbundled or task-based legal help. In other words, the attorney will help you with individual tasks of your choosing. Some examples of where an affordable attorney can help you throughout the process is indicated below.
- File for divorce in the county where you or your spouse reside
- Note: At least one party must have lived in CO for 91 days prior to filing
- File the Petition, Case Information Sheet, and Summons.
- Pay the filing fee
- An affordable attorney can review these documents before you file them to ensure completeness.
- Complete personal service, if not filing jointly
- Review documents received by the Court
- An affordable attorney can review these documents with you and answer any questions you have.
- Provide proof of service to the Court, if not filing jointly
- Complete the required mandatory disclosures
- File a notarized Sworn Financial Statement, the Supporting Schedule, and a Certificate of Compliance
- Send the other party copies of your supporting financial documents
- An affordable attorney can review these documents before you file them to ensure completeness.
- Attend the Initial Status Conference
- An affordable attorney can help you prepare for this Conference and answer any questions you have about what to expect.
- Attend Parenting Class
- Participate in Mediation, if you and your spouse do not agree on all issues
- An affordable attorney can help you prepare for mediation and answer any questions you have about what to expect.
- Prepare Agreements
- Prepare a notarized proposed Separation Agreement and Parenting Plan
- Prepare Child Support Worksheet A or Worksheet B, depending on the parenting plan
- An affordable attorney can draft these agreements for you. Having an affordable attorney draft them will help ensure nothing is left out.
- Prepare for Permanent Orders Hearing
- If you and your spouse do not agree on all issues, be prepared to present evidence and testimony to support your position
- File a proposed Support Order, Pretrial Statement, and a proposed Decree of Dissolution of Marriage with only the caption filled out
- An affordable attorney can review these documents before you file them to ensure completeness.
- Attend the Permanent Orders Hearing
- An affordable attorney can help you prepare for this Hearing and answer any questions you have. Having an attorney assist with your preparation will help you present your strongest argument to the Court.
- File for divorce in the county where you or your spouse reside
As you can see, there are several tasks in the divorce process where you can get the help of an affordable lawyer for a fraction of what traditional attorneys will charge. You can choose to have an affordable lawyer help you with all of the tasks or just a few. It’s entirely up to you.
If you are interested in working with an affordable attorney who offers flat-fee, custom legal services, schedule your consultation today.
This website includes information about legal issues and legal developments. Such materials are for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. These informational materials are not intended, and should not be taken, as legal advice on any particular set of facts or circumstances. You should contact an attorney for advice on specific legal problems.
Lauren Lester is an affordable family law, estate planning, and probate lawyer licensed in Colorado.
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